On Thursday 7 March, the Year 12 cohort all attended our annual formal at the gracious Merrimu Receptions. The night included much glitz and glamour from luxe cars dropping students off, to millions of memorable photos taken on the night. The night included lots of dancing, formal awards and interviews from yours truly as I went out with a roaming microphone throughout the night, channelling my inner Roaming Brian of Friday Night Footy.
It was a great night and I had lots of great interviews with many students and teachers. I loved seeing everyone dressed so sharp and having big smiles on their faces. It was amazing to talk to heaps of people and get their opinion on not only the night but the build up to the big dance.
Big thanks to firstly Mr Kan and the principal team, our amazing student managers, and our school photographers for their amazing efforts both on the night and behind the scenes.
Furthermore, another amazing privilege of Year 12 is the fact that we have our own Common Room, filled with couches, tables, toastie and pancake makers, and best of all our very own microwaves. It’s great being able to bring lunch or buy lunch from 7/11, such as a ready-made meal, and heat it up in the microwave and be able to eat it warm. It saves so much time and helps out a lot when you’re studying, and you need a ready hot meal.
Adem Savran
Year 12 Student
As we see the end of Term 1 fast approaching, McKinnon students have the chance to reflect on the challenges they have faced this term, while also having something to look forward to - Term 1 holidays!
From the McKinnon Swimming Sports Carnival where Monash was congratulated as the winning house, to the upcoming House Music Festival, it’s safe to say that Term 1 at McKinnon Secondary has been frantic. Nevertheless, every McKinnon student is striving regardless of the stress and anxiety each year level may have.
The upcoming House Music Festival on Wednesday 20 March will be a fantastic opportunity for every student to get involved and perform in a passionate manner through singing, dancing and playing musical instruments to create a vibrant and enthusiastic atmosphere for themselves and the audience. This event is always a highlight of the school year and constantly becomes better each year with the breathtaking performances played. I wish all participants good luck.
Soly Batkilin
Year 9 Student