In this edition of SchoolTV - DIET & NUTRITION
We all know that diet and nutrition is vital to your child’s development and growth, but are you aware of the effects it has on your child’s brain development and how it can impact their academic achievement?
In this era of convenience, it is easy to reach for pre-packaged and processed foods to cope with busy schedules. However, these foods are usually packed full of sugar and salt which can have adverse health effects. Making a habit of reading food labels can help reduce the risks. It can also help to stabilise your child’s energy, improve their mood, maintain a healthy weight and improve their general wellbeing.
In this edition of SchoolTV, parents will discover practical advice for teaching your kids about the benefits of incorporating a healthy diet and good nutrition.
Here is the link to the Diet & Nutrition edition of SchoolTV:
We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this edition of SchoolTV and we always welcome your feedback.
If you have any concerns about your child, please contact the Student Wellbeing Team via wellbeing@mckinnonsc.vic.edu.au and for further information, seek medical or professional help.
Warm Regards
Patty Etcell
Head Of Wellbeing