Please be aware that the Student Handbook for 2025 will be released on Thursday 27 June for all students. The handbook contains subject descriptors and other useful information to help students make informed decisions about the subjects they wish to study in 2025. Subject selections will commence in early Term 3 as outlined in the dates below:
Current Years 8 - 11 Students
- Thursday 1 August - Subject Selections for 2025 OPEN
- Monday 12 August - Subject Selections for 2025 CLOSE
Congratulations to all Years 10 and 11 students for completing their exams. These are important assessment tools and provide students with an opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of key skills and knowledge. Of course, exams in themselves do not signal the end of the semester. There is valuable learning to be undertaken in all subjects until the last day of term. It is an expectation that students attend all classes and meet all assessment obligations until this point in time. We thank all families for their support.
End-of-semester reports will be available on Compass at the end of Term 2. Please read these reports carefully and discuss with your child how they can further improve their academic performance in the second half of this year. These reports will include a transcript of all information provided via Learning Tasks throughout Semester 1. Progress Reports will also be completed by teachers - these provide valuable feedback about students’ effort, organisation and behaviour.
When reflecting on their reports, students should focus upon the attributes and behaviours teachers recommend for further improvement - perseverance, hard-work, asking for help, taking pride in their learning and setting high expectations. Educational research has proven that intelligence is changeable (not predetermined or fixed), and that academic growth can be achieved by all - working hard, being resilient and acting on the advice in end-of-semester reports are the keys to achieving this growth.
We ask families to please take a moment over the holidays to check that your child has all the correct uniform items. If additional or new items are required, these can be purchased from Bob Stewart (466 Centre Road Bentleigh).
Some key uniform requirements to note:
- College Blazer - this is compulsory and must be worn to/from school during Terms 2 & 3.
- Footwear - black, leather, lace-up school shoes with low heels and no buckles (not ‘runner/sneaker’ type)
- General Appearance:
- Hair styles must not be extreme and colours must be natural; long hair should be tied back
- Jewellery should not be obvious or extreme; ear sleepers/studs must be small and unobtrusive (no large hoop earrings)
- Cosmetics and make-up should not be obvious/excessive, including no nail polish
- Students must be cleanly shaven
Our strict uniform policy is an important part of the positive McKinnon School culture and we appreciate everyone’s support in this area. A copy of the full uniform policy can be found here.
We would like to remind all students of the school's expectations regarding respectful conduct towards one another.
We are an inclusive and safe school. ‘Community’ is one of our school values and it is an expectation that all student behaviour is in accordance with our Student Code of Conduct. Bullying, harassment and inappropriate student behaviour is unacceptable whether in person or online. All students need to be respectful to one another. If any student is found to breach our Student Code of Conduct or Bullying Prevention Policy then severe consequences will be issued.
We thank students for upholding our school values and continuing to proudly represent our College with integrity.
As Friday 28 June is the last day of term, school will be finishing at 2:30pm. For students at the East Campus, please be aware that the 626 Bus Route that goes down McKinnon Rd in the afternoons does not change times due to our early finish. Students are welcome to use the service as usual but may wish to make alternate arrangements.
We wish everyone a safe and relaxing holiday period and look forward to seeing all the students back Term 3.